Silica Exposure in Construction

There are a number of construction segments that are exposed to crystalline silica, which can cause silicosis and even death. Workers who typically have the largest exposure to silica include those in: Cement and concrete or stucco operations, Abrasive blasting,…

Getting a Trampoline?

As summer approaches, many families with children will buy trampolines or bring one out from winter storage so the kids and their friends – and maybe even parents – can bounce to their hearts’ delight. But while they are fun,…

Nine Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress

Work-related stress claims cost U.S. companies $200 billion to $300 billion a year, according to the American Institute of Stress. Stress can result in a number of secondary mental and physical illnesses and direct physical injuries, which directly affects health…

Smartphone Use Spells Trouble for Drivers

Distracted driving has skyrocketed in the past 13 years and experts say that smartphones are to blame. People are engaging on social media apps, reading text messages and e-mails — and even watching videos while behind the wheel. The result…

Essential Safety Features for Safe Winter Driving

Winter driving can be challenging, with icy roads, snow-covered surfaces and frigid temperatures posing significant risks to drivers. While safe driving plays a critical role, many modern vehicles come equipped with advanced safety features designed to enhance winter driving. These…

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